
Tasks - all in one

In the "My Tasks" list you can create tasks for yourself but also for anyone else. You can also receive tasks from others here. All tasks are managed in one place regardless of who created them.

tip 1

Categorization by Tags

You can add multiple tags to a task to specify all the categories the task belongs to. As a result, you can always find the task under more tags.

tip 2

Smart View

On the left-hand side under the “Smart View” section you can design the hierarchy of the tags by creating their categories and sub-categories according to your mind map. You can use the tag combinations for easy task filtering.

The entire list of all created tags is managed in the "Tags" list.

tip 3

Collaboration with others

Sending and receiving tasks is like sending and receiving emails. If you send someone a task, you can't edit its content until you take it back. Moreover, you can see the status of the sent task - whether the task has been accepted, rejected or the recipient has not responded yet.

The entire list of all your contacts is managed in the "Contacts" list.

tip 4

Completing and Archiving of Tasks

When you complete the task, it appears as completed for both the sender and the recipient. Once you archive the task, it will only be archived in your list. Archiving is managed separately.

The entire list of all archived tasks is managed in the "Archive" section.

tip 5
Be efficient and get more free time. Just enjoy your life!

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